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#Hydrogen #CleanEnergy #KiteShip
Wolfram Reiners
Dr. Wolfram Reiners - CEO Founder of the KITE GAS/FUEL SHIP and Kite Propulsion System K1. Serial entrepreneur with 25 years experience in information technology and kite technology. Kite professional. Previous outright speed sailing record holder in Germany, fastest sailor under German flag, achieved with a kite. Previously management consultant and manager at Andersen Consulting (1996-2000, Germany, USA, UK, South Africa) and Professor for E-Business Application Systems at University of Applied Sciences in Furtwangen and Konstanz (Germany 2003-2007). Founder and CEO of several start-up companies: A3M Travel Security Solutions (Germany 2004), relenet social networks GmbH (Germany/South Africa 2006), KITE Kahunas (South Africa 2009), Slingshot South Africa (kite and board manufacturer 2011). Innovator with extensive experience throughout the life cycle of an innovation, from conception of an invention to patent protection, patent utilization, dealing with patent infringement and litigation. Distinguished by the European Union with the 2007 European ICT Prize - the highest award in information and communication technology world-wide for innovations with high marketability and customer benefit. 2007 Prize for the Humane Usage of Information Technology by Integrata Foundation, who distinguishes entrepreneurs, who make a contribution to a better work life and who enhance the quality of life for people in general.
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