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Gili Ron
Stuttgart Universität, IMPRS-IS
Gili Ron is a research associate and a doctoral candidate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), the Chair for Computing in Architecture (CA) and the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS). Her research interests center on human-robot collaboration and machine learning in co-design and fabrication, and their review from feminist techno-science perspectives.
Under "Project:Galath3a", Ron designs digital interfaces, immersive environments and multimodal installations, exploring future relationships with machines. She is a contributor and editor to Utopia Digital Magazine. Prior to joining ICD, Ron has worked for HENN (DE), Burckhardt+Partner (CH), and Mayslits Kassif (IL).
Ron holds a Bachelor in Architecture from the Azrieli School of Architecture, Tel-Aviv University (TAU) and a Master in Architecture from the Emergent Technologies and Design Master Programme, The Architectural Association, London (EmTech, AA).
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