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#Quantum #Start-ups #Tech4good
Christophe Jurczak
Christophe Jurczak holds a PhD in Quantum Physics supervised by Alain Aspect "the father of the second quantum revolution". After two years as a postdoctoral researcher in Ecole Normale Supérieure working on quantum optics, he held government positions in defense and energy focusing on new technologies. From 2007 to 2015, he held top management positions in the renewable energy business in Europe and in the US.
In 2015, from Palo Alto, he started dedicating himself to the emergence of the quantum industry, first in an advisory position then as head of business development at QC Ware, one of the pioneers in quantum computing software. In 2018, Christophe Jurczak launched Quantonation with Charles Beigbeder and Olivier Tonneau in Paris and Boston.
Quantonation is the first early stage VC fund dedicated to deep physics and quantum technologies. With 20 investments worldwide since the fund’s inception in 2018, and 90 meur under management, the team has established Quantonation as a leading investor in the field.
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