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#Cocoafree #Savetheplanet #Biotech
Sara Marquart
CTO / Co-Founder
Sara Marquart is the CTO and Co-Founder of QOA, a Munich-based biotech company that develops future-proof and 100% cocoa-free chocolate.
Before founding her company together with her brother Max, Sara was the Head of Flavor at the Coffee Excellence Center at Zurich University, advising & working for a Seattle-based food tech startup as Principal Scientist, making molecular coffee without the coffee bean.
Prior to working in the startup world, she was the Chief Curator at the Deutsches Museum in Munich, and curated the special and touring exhibition "Cosmos Coffee".
Sara Marquart studied food chemistry at the TU Munich, and holds a Ph.D. in Food Chemistry, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hofmann (President of TU Munich). She also the publisher of two books related to coffee.
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