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Lorenz Pak
Project Leader Nixus
I have a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from TUM and currently in the end of my Aerospace Master as well at TUM. Next to my studies I joined the WARR e.V. student association for rocketry and spaceflight in late 2021. In Project Nixus we are developing, manufacturing and testing a cryogenic bi-liquid rocket which is set to launch in October 2023 at the European Rocketry Competition. After being the Fluid Team Leader for the Project for half a year, I was promoted to Project Leader of Nixus. The project has more than 120 student members that voluntarily work on the project. During my studies I have designed a test bench for water-electrolysis propulsion at the chair for space propulsion, for in-space spacecraft propulsion and I will start in the end of July my Masterthesis at DeltaVision, developing and testing a baseline electric pump for spacecrafts.
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