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Julia Stamm
The Data Tank
Dr Julia Stamm is the CEO of The Data Tank (, a nonprofit think and do tank aiming to change the way we approach and use data in today's society.
A purpose-driven leader with profound expertise in the areas of science, policy, technology and innovation for the common good, Julia has long-standing leadership and management experience in national and international organisations, such as COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), the G20 and the European Commission, as well as as founder and entrepreneur.
In 2019, Julia founded The Futures Project, an international non-profit initiative aiming to build better futures by ensuring that innovation and technology serve the real needs of people and planet. In 2021, she received the Digital Female Leader Award, category “Global Hero” for her work. She serves on several board and committees, such as the International Programming Committee of MTL Connect. Julia is a BMW Foundation Responsible Leader.
Speaker at 1E9 Events



