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#Greenairmobility #Electricflight
Ivor van Dartel
Co-founder & CEO
Ivor van Dartel (39) designed his first electric aircraft when still a Aerospace Engineering student at TU Delft, back in 2007. After finishing his MSc final thesis project within Lockheed Martin on the F-35 electrical system, Ivor joined Airbus to work on several positions in engineering, operations, manufacturing, program management and research & technology. In these roles he participated in the development and industrialization of both civil and military programmes, such as A320, A330, A350, A380, A400M and EuroDrone. While at the E-Aircraft Systems Programme in Munich, Ivor was project leader for the Hybrid Electric Propulsion System of the E-Fan X Hybrid Electric Demonstrator. In 2021, Ivor and his co-founder Dr. Sebastian Seemann founded VÆRIDION to ensure a true emission free, battery electric aircraft will be available within this decade.
Speaker at 1E9 Events



