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Elisabeth Endres
Mitglied der Geschäftstleitung
IB Hausladen / TU Braunschweig
Elisabeth Endres studied architecture at the Technical Universities of Kaiserslautern and Munich, graduating with a diploma. Until 2018, she was a memeber oft he scientific staff at the TU Munich at the chair of Prof. Gerhard Hausladen and Prof. Thomas Auer. Since 2013, she has been responsible for the holistic conception of innovative projects at the interface of architecture and technical systems as well as their integration into building structures at Ingenieurbüro Hausladen. In July 2019, she got a professorship for building technology at the TU Braunschweig and leads the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture. In addition to board activities in the Sep Ruf Gesellschaft e.V., she is a full appointed member of the BDA and DASL, she participates in competition juries. Since 2023, she has been appointed to the State Council for Monuments of the Federal Capital Berlin and to the advisory board of HafenCity Hamburg. In 2019, she received the Culture Prize of the Ingrid zu Solms Foundation for her commitment to the preservation of building culture.
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